Music project of Riccardo Komesar

Tre storie per chitarra
1 - Partenza dalla costa est (12:14)
2 - Il messaggio sotto al tumulo (16:22)
3 - Intermondo di solida materia e pensiero (16:14)
Recorded in Pesaro during the year 2023. Mixed by Riccardo Komesar, mastered by Riccardo Demarosi at Giardini Sonori, Piacenza.
Also, it seemed as if a prodigious enlargement of my brain was taking place within the skull itself that did not enlarge. There were occasional glintings and flashings of light, as if even I, the overlord, had ceased for a moment and the next moment was again myself [...] Without having passed through the wall of skull, nevertheless it seemed to me that the periphery of my brain was already outside my skull and still expanding […] Time and space, insofar as they were the stuff of my consciousness, underwent an enormous extension […] I was only a mind, a soul, a consciousness — call it what you will — incorporate in a nebulous brain that, while it still centered inside my skull, was expanded, and was continuing to expand, beyond my skull. And then, with flashings of light, I was off and away. At a bound, I had vaulted the roof and the sky, and was among the stars. I say "stars" advisedly. I walked among the stars. I was a child. I was clad in frail, fleece-like, delicate-colored robes that shimmered in the cool starlight […] In my hand I carried a long glass wand. It was borne in upon me that with the tip of this wand I must touch each star in passing. And I knew, in all absoluteness, that did I but miss one star I should be precipitated into some unplummeted abyss of unthinkable and eternal punishment and guilt.
Jack London - The Star Rover
Artwork draw of Andrea Petrucci.

09 Lampo n°2 neve
Listen/order at Torto Editions bandcamp.

1 - (04:34)
2 - La tartaruga Fei (10:33)
Recorded and mixed between March and April 2022 at NeCe Studio, Piacenza. The track La tartaruga Fei is inspired by John Fahey's The Voice of the Turtle.
Originally released as CMBNT, the demo has been self-released, home printed in CD-R, limited to 50 copies.
Artwork photo by GK, graphic and prints by Luca Sorbini (Coward Records).
Listen/order at CMBNT - Demo bandcamp.